Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Alice Robinson
Alonzo Johnson
Andre Noel, Sr.
Audrey Hampton
Betty Noel
Bobby Brown & Family
Bonnie Thomas
Brenda Spruel
Carolyn Morris
Crystal Hebert
Cynthia Scott
Daisy Ross
Darrell Riley
Devin Daniels
Donna Brown
Edward Joseph
Edward Taylor
Eileen Taylor & Family
Erika Young Davis
Freddie Simon
Gilda Williams
Gloria Brown
Grady Edwards
Helen Robinson
Ishmael Lane
Jeanette Jack
Jesse Sewell
Johnnie Lendo
Jonathan Roberts
Juanika Benoit
Katie Vernon
Larry & Ozanna Gardner
Lena Spears
Lenice Jackson
Leroy Jenkins
Marilyn Charles
Mary Holiday
Rita Ross
Shirley Poche
Sonya Slack
The Daniels Family
Tonia Pierre
Whitney Ard
Willie Collins
Willie Titus
Plan to attend Bible Study via phone!
Family Worship Hour is on Wednesday evenings. Prayer Service is at 6:00 p.m., followed by Bible Study for all ages at 6:30 p.m. Come and share with us this week.
New Members Training is offered during the Saturday School Teaching Hour 9:00 AM We strive to help our new members develop a better understanding of the purpose of the Church and the role they are to play.
All Thank You cards received will be placed on the bulletin board outside the Church office
All articles to be posted on the bulletin board must have the pastor’s approval and signature.
Anyone desiring to meet with Pastor Lowe may call the Church Office at 775-7372 to schedule an appointment. Appointment days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
All announcements to be included in the Worship Folder must be submitted to the church clerk no later than the Tuesday, 4:00 PM prior to that Sunday. Announcements must be placed in the tray outside the office door or email to
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